CMR Ivory Park is caring with passion

Sep 29, 2020 | Stories of Hope

A maternal grandfather brought his two grandchildren to a CMR social worker after their mother passed away. The children had no birth certificates and as result they were not admitted to the nearest school. The school that did admit them was far from home and the travelling cost was taking up all their money.

The social worker made them a priority and a home visit was scheduled. Upon arrival she was informed that the grandfather also passed away. He was the only breadwinner in the family. The children’s uncle is completing his grade 12. He was willing to take the children in his care. Several times the uncle was found by the social worker selling mielies and chicken feet on the street corner after school.

The social worker with the help of the social auxiliary worker asked for permission to take the children to a district surgeon for age assessment. The children were included in the annual CMR Ivory Park holiday project. This is specifically for children in need of care on the CMR Ivory Park case load.

Various service providers are invited to attend and give educational talks to the children during the holidays. This case was discussed with the presiding officer at the children’s court. The social workers’ report was submitted to the court and the case was finalised. Court orders were issued together with a form so that the social worker can assist the client with birth certificates application. The social worker took the birth certificate application to Home Affairs that sent them back to the local Hospital for notification of birth. The Hospital confirmed that the children were born in the hospital.

It was a relief when the social worker finally received a call from Home Affairs informing her that the birth certificates were ready to be collected. At last the uncle can now apply for foster care grant in respect of the children concerned, he will be able to concentrate fully in his school work and the children can attend school.