How can you help our community stop child abuse?

Aug 18, 2020 | Child Abuse

Learn the facts about child abuse

Acknowledge that child abuse as a community issue needs an answer and solution for the community.

Make a difference and act on behalf of abused children by speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Investigate and adjust your own behavior within your family and your level of support and actions regarding the safety of all children.

Offer to help a family in need financially or with other methods and resources.

Learn the signs of abuse and neglect and take note of what information is required in a report.

Read more about the CMR and what services are provided to the community.

Grant financial support to the CMR through tax-deductible donation or in natura donation of services or supplies.

Attend an event and fundraisers offered by CMR to provide support for abused children, the agencies and professionals who help them.

Attend a training event presented by CMR about recognizing child abuse, preventing sexual abuse of children etc.

Ask a general presentation for awareness and prevention by the CMR for a group you belong to.

You can contact Childline South Africa’s Helpline on 08 000 55 555 24/7

You can find a branch near you here